Monday, February 16, 2009

Valentines Day is overrated

Valentines Day is overrated. People give too much value on a day that is supposed to be spent like everyday. I am saying that what we do on Valentines Day should be done everyday, even if you don't have a boyfriend or a girlfriend. I am sure there's one single person who loves you or one person whom you love. Why not show them what your typical Valentines Day would be like sans the date February 14. Believe me, there are people who get tired of Valentines Day.

It gets so typical on Valentines Day to have a date or spend your day with your loved one. What, don’t tell me you don’t spend regular days with your loved ones?! And giving a gift on Valentines Day to your loved ones won’t be as special as giving a gift on regular days. People are already expected to give a gift or flowers or chocolates on V-Day, why try and give someone these gifts on a date that is not Valentines Day. Haha!

No, I am not bitter just because you think I don’t have a date. I have a boyfriend. And I am so glad he feels the same way as I do. That Valentines Day is overrated. =D

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Please be harsh :P