Monday, February 16, 2009

Valentines Day is overrated

Valentines Day is overrated. People give too much value on a day that is supposed to be spent like everyday. I am saying that what we do on Valentines Day should be done everyday, even if you don't have a boyfriend or a girlfriend. I am sure there's one single person who loves you or one person whom you love. Why not show them what your typical Valentines Day would be like sans the date February 14. Believe me, there are people who get tired of Valentines Day.

It gets so typical on Valentines Day to have a date or spend your day with your loved one. What, don’t tell me you don’t spend regular days with your loved ones?! And giving a gift on Valentines Day to your loved ones won’t be as special as giving a gift on regular days. People are already expected to give a gift or flowers or chocolates on V-Day, why try and give someone these gifts on a date that is not Valentines Day. Haha!

No, I am not bitter just because you think I don’t have a date. I have a boyfriend. And I am so glad he feels the same way as I do. That Valentines Day is overrated. =D

Friday, February 13, 2009

About a forum....

Is it hard to organize and accommodate all students you invited in a forum? I guess not. When you were the one who invited in the first place, you must have anticipated the amount of students coming, or you might have mentioned it in passing that there are only limited slots for students, allowing other schools to bring limited amounts of participants. Wait, err, not all students would really participate in such event. Let’s face it, when some students are invited in a forum, they would just sit there and text all the way, or they would rather talk to their classmates, those students they eternally see everyday.

Before you judge and say I am saying weird and nonsensical things, I am talking about a forum held today at UP Annex campus, or that’s what I heard. (not sure about the Annex part. Haha!) I did not even know what the topic was or even cared to bother after having me stand for about one hour or less maybe. There were students from Holy Cross, Ateneo and our school, UIC, wait, I believe I should say a few students from UIC, fewer students from Holy Cross and studentssss from Ateneo. Yes, and what I am trying to say about studentssssss is that they brought almost every student from the, I dunno, maybe whole population of the Mass Communication, from first year to fourth year.

The place was jam-packed with those white-clad ninjas from Ateneo. There were a few who are wearing their senior’s uniform. I’m quite sure they brought almost every student from all year levels because there were fresh looking faces, the young ones who seem to be innocent-looking and unaware of what they were doing (or if they were not first years, then they’d have to be the most dumb-looking 2nd years, 3rd years and weird unfit 4th year students). Next is, there was a certain student, and I am sure she’s in 2nd year because I knew her. Then you have your 3rd years, a few familiar faces because we went to an event where there were students from Ateneo in out batch, so I’m quite sure they were 3rd years. And lastly, no need to elaborate those students who were wearing different uniforms because they obviously bear the Ateneo glory in them.

Then there was us, the third year students who were standing in the corner lost in the crowd of civilians or UP students. I’d have to say, we were the clueless bunch, since we did not know a thing about that forum. I’d have to say the teacher was quite at fault. She did not inform us well about that certain event. We were even unsure whether we would really go to that forum since she is known as someone who doesn’t fulfill promises.

But no matter how the day went, it was still worth it. Every experience has its own value, even if we have to suffer in order to learn.